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History Quiz

How did Paris fall to German forces on June 14, 1940?
How did Paris fall to German forces on June 14, 1940? Imperial War Museums
Can you identify this World War II-era glider? (We have blurred the insignia so it wouldn’t be obvious.)
Can you identify this World War II-era glider? (We have blurred the insignia so it wouldn’t be obvious.) BAE Systems
What was the goal of the single mission of the German battleship Bismarck?
What was the goal of the single mission of the German battleship Bismarck? Bundesarchiv
What was the first type of fighter flown by the famous African American Tuskegee Airmen in combat?
What was the first type of fighter flown by the famous African American Tuskegee Airmen in combat? Library of Congress
What damage did the battleship Bismarck suffer that allowed the Royal Navy to catch up to and destroy her?
What damage did the battleship Bismarck suffer that allowed the Royal Navy to catch up to and destroy her? Royal Navy
Which World War II-era military or intelligence organization had this insignia?
Which World War II-era military or intelligence organization had this insignia? public domain
What system was invented for the World War II-era American Waco CG-4 glider to allow it to be reused?
What system was invented for the World War II-era American Waco CG-4 glider to allow it to be reused? U.S. Army Air Forces
"Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties, and so bear ourselves that, if the British Empire and its Commonwealth last for a thousand years, men will still say, "This was their finest hour."" On what occasion did British Prime Minister Winston Churchill gave the famous speech which featured this line?
History on the Net
Dunkirk was not the only evacuation site during the fall of France. What was the name of the operation that evacuated Allied soldiers and civilians from multiple ports along the west coast of France?
Dunkirk was not the only evacuation site during the fall of France. What was the name of the operation that evacuated Allied soldiers and civilians from multiple ports along the west coast of France? Imperial War Museums
Things were not always well on the home front during World War II, and there several clashes either between servicemen of different nations, or servicemen and civilians. Which of these events did NOT involve servicemen from two nations? (Not necessarily depicted in the photo.)
Things were not always well on the home front during World War II, and there several clashes either between servicemen of different nations, or servicemen and civilians. Which of these events did NOT involve servicemen from two nations? (Not necessarily depicted in the photo.) State Library of Queensland
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