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History Quiz

In what city did the Allied nations of World War II first publish an official declaration that the war will be fought until won, and that no Allied country will seek a separate peace with the Axis?
In what city did the Allied nations of World War II first publish an official declaration that the war will be fought until won, and that no Allied country will seek a separate peace with the Axis? historic.ru
Can you identify this machine gun, which was originally used in World War I, but also saw service in many countries during World War II?
Can you identify this machine gun, which was originally used in World War I, but also saw service in many countries during World War II? Frank Hurley
Which military rank’s name is derived from Arabic instead of Latin or a Romance language (one of Latin’s descendants)?
Which military rank’s name is derived from Arabic instead of Latin or a Romance language (one of Latin’s descendants)? Metropolitan Museum of Art
The Allied landings in Southern France were initially planned to occur simultaneously with Operation Overlord in Normandy. Why did the southern landings end up happening later?
The Allied landings in Southern France were initially planned to occur simultaneously with Operation Overlord in Normandy. Why did the southern landings end up happening later? U.S. Navy
What was the goal of Operation Pointblank, a long Allied bomber operation during World War II?
What was the goal of Operation Pointblank, a long Allied bomber operation during World War II? U.S. Army Air Forces
What was the goal of Operation Pastorius, a failed German intelligence operation during World War II? (Photo depicts the trial of captured German agents.)
What was the goal of Operation Pastorius, a failed German intelligence operation during World War II? (Photo depicts the trial of captured German agents.) Library of Congress
Which of these battles in the Pacific began first in 1944? (Photo does not necessarily depict correct answer.)
Which of these battles in the Pacific began first in 1944? (Photo does not necessarily depict correct answer.) U.S. Navy
Near which Normandy location was a battle nicknamed the "Battle of Bloody Gulch," inspired by a popular Western movie?
Near which Normandy location was a battle nicknamed the Musée Mémorial Bloody Gulch
Italian dictator Benito Mussolini announced war against Britain and France on June 10, 1940. What was unusual about his declaration of war?
Italian dictator Benito Mussolini announced war against Britain and France on June 10, 1940. What was unusual about his declaration of war? unknown photographer
Here's a question to test your knowledge of World War II-era pop culture: which of these American comics superheroes was NOT introduced during the war? (Note: correct answer not depicted in image.)
Here's a question to test your knowledge of World War II-era pop culture: which of these American comics superheroes was NOT introduced during the war? (Note: correct answer not depicted in image.) Timely Comics
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