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History Quiz

Which of the major Dutch settlements that were targeted during Operation Market Garden was NOT liberated during the failed operation?
Which of the major Dutch settlements that were targeted during Operation Market Garden was NOT liberated during the failed operation? Bundesarchiv
Can you identify this World War II-era British (or American-made but flying in British colors) warplane?
Can you identify this World War II-era British (or American-made but flying in British colors) warplane? U.S. Army Air Forces
What was the Fritz X, a piece of World War II-era German gear? (Photo does not depict the correct answer.)
What was the Fritz X, a piece of World War II-era German gear? (Photo does not depict the correct answer.) Berliner Tageblatt
World War II rang the death knell for the British Empire, and the country’s Dominions were eventually released as independent nations in the years and decades after the war. Which now-independent nation, formerly a part of the empire, still retains the word “Dominion” in its formal, through rarely used name?
World War II rang the death knell for the British Empire, and the country’s Dominions were eventually released as independent nations in the years and decades after the war. Which now-independent nation, formerly a part of the empire, still retains the word “Dominion” in its formal, through rarely used name? Tom Purvis
The Westerplatte peninsula in Danzig (today Gdansk, Poland) was attacked by Germany on the first day of World War II. Which of these did not participate in the attack?
The Westerplatte peninsula in Danzig (today Gdansk, Poland) was attacked by Germany on the first day of World War II. Which of these did not participate in the attack? Bundesarchiv
The U.S. Navy famously lost three destroyers in 1944 in Typhoon Cobra. Which other nation lost two destroyers in a single storm in 1942?
The U.S. Navy famously lost three destroyers in 1944 in Typhoon Cobra. Which other nation lost two destroyers in a single storm in 1942? public domain
The Vought F4U Corsair is today considered one of the best U.S. planes of World War II, but the Navy initially considered it unsuited to their needs. Why?
The Vought F4U Corsair is today considered one of the best U.S. planes of World War II, but the Navy initially considered it unsuited to their needs. Why? U.S. Navy
German U-boats sometimes rescued the crews and passengers of their freshly sunk victims and delivered them to non-Allied surface ships. This practice was ordered to stop in September 1942, after the Laconia incident. What happened?
German U-boats sometimes rescued the crews and passengers of their freshly sunk victims and delivered them to non-Allied surface ships. This practice was ordered to stop in September 1942, after the Laconia incident. What happened? Leopold Schuhmacher
Japanese war criminal General Hideki Tōjō was Prime Minister of Japan for much of World War II, but also hold many other government positions concurrently. Which one of these did he NOT hold at any point?
Japanese war criminal General Hideki Tōjō was Prime Minister of Japan for much of World War II, but also hold many other government positions concurrently. Which one of these did he NOT hold at any point? Cabinet Information Bureau, Empire of Japan
When was the famous bazooka rocket launcher first issued to combat troops?
When was the famous bazooka rocket launcher first issued to combat troops? National Archives and Records Administration
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