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History Quiz

U.S. General Douglas MacArthur was evacuated from the Philippines, surrounded by Japanese forces, in March 1942. What type of vehicle did he and the other evacuees use for the first leg of the escape?
U.S. General Douglas MacArthur was evacuated from the Philippines, surrounded by Japanese forces, in March 1942. What type of vehicle did he and the other evacuees use for the first leg of the escape? U.S. Army Signal Corps
Can you identify this tank, which began service during World War II?
Can you identify this tank, which began service during World War II? G. C. Hurley / Wikipedia
Different nations had different systems for giving codenames to military operations. Which nation had operations named “FU,” “R,” “KE” and “D”?
Different nations had different systems for giving codenames to military operations. Which nation had operations named “FU,” “R,” “KE” and “D”? Milton Keynes Heritage Association
During World War II, what type of job were American war dogs trained for in teams of two handlers and two dogs, rather than the more usual setup of one handler and one dog? (Photo does not depict correct answer.)
During World War II, what type of job were American war dogs trained for in teams of two handlers and two dogs, rather than the more usual setup of one handler and one dog? (Photo does not depict correct answer.) National Archives
What was called “the Happy Time” by one of the belligerent nations of World War II?
What was called “the Happy Time” by one of the belligerent nations of World War II? Bundesarchiv
“Antis” was a German Shepherd who became famous for accompanying his friend, RAF gunner Václav Robert Bozděch, on his missions. What type of aircraft did they fly on together?
“Antis” was a German Shepherd who became famous for accompanying his friend, RAF gunner Václav Robert Bozděch, on his missions. What type of aircraft did they fly on together? Bozděch family
Rudolf-Christoph von Gersdorff was a German general who tried to assassinate Hitler on March 13, 9143. He planned to hide bombs in his pockets, guide Hitler through an exhibition, and grasp him in a deadly embrace just as the bombs went off. Why did he fail?
Rudolf-Christoph von Gersdorff was a German general who tried to assassinate Hitler on March 13, 9143. He planned to hide bombs in his pockets, guide Hitler through an exhibition, and grasp him in a deadly embrace just as the bombs went off. Why did he fail? Bundesarchiv
In March 1943, the crew of the Japanese destroyer Akikaze followed orders to massacre around 60 civilians, mostly Christian missionaries, who were rounded up in New Guinea. What was the nationality of most of the victims?
In March 1943, the crew of the Japanese destroyer Akikaze followed orders to massacre around 60 civilians, mostly Christian missionaries, who were rounded up in New Guinea. What was the nationality of most of the victims? unknown photographer
Operazione Primavera (“Spring Offensive,” also called “Italian Spring Offensive”) was an Italian operation in early 1941. Where did it take place?
Operazione Primavera (“Spring Offensive,” also called “Italian Spring Offensive”) was an Italian operation in early 1941. Where did it take place? unknown photographer
Operation Jubilee, the ill-fated Dieppe Raid, was the largest commando raid of World War II in the Atlantic or along its shore. But what was the second largest commando raid there? (Photo does not necessarily depict correct answer.)
Operation Jubilee, the ill-fated Dieppe Raid, was the largest commando raid of World War II in the Atlantic or along its shore. But what was the second largest commando raid there? (Photo does not necessarily depict correct answer.) Imperial War Museum
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