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History Quiz

We have only to kick in the door and the whole rotten structure will come crashing down. Which nation was Hitler referring to with the line above, expecting an easy victory after attacking it?
We have only to kick in the door and the whole rotten structure will come crashing down. Which nation was Hitler referring to with the line above, expecting an easy victory after attacking it? Nicolaus von Below
Can you identify this World War II-era American heavy bomber?
Can you identify this World War II-era American heavy bomber? U.S. Air Force
Which was the first American aircraft carrier specifically built for the purpose from the keel up, rather than being converted from a different design? (Photo does not necessarily depict the correct answer.)
Which was the first American aircraft carrier specifically built for the purpose from the keel up, rather than being converted from a different design? (Photo does not necessarily depict the correct answer.) U.S. Navy
Which of these nations had promoted the highest number of generals to the rank of field marshal during World War II? (Photo does not necessarily imply the correct answer.)
Which of these nations had promoted the highest number of generals to the rank of field marshal during World War II? (Photo does not necessarily imply the correct answer.) National Museum of American History
What breed was Antis, a dog who became famous for accompanying his owner onboard an RAF bomber during missions in World War II?
What breed was Antis, a dog who became famous for accompanying his owner onboard an RAF bomber during missions in World War II? Imperial War Museums
“PQ convoys” were Arctic convoys transporting vital Lend-Lease supplies to the Soviet Union. Which PQ convoy became famous for coming under heavy German attack and losing 23 of its 35 merchant ships?
“PQ convoys” were Arctic convoys transporting vital Lend-Lease supplies to the Soviet Union. Which PQ convoy became famous for coming under heavy German attack and losing 23 of its 35 merchant ships? Imperial War Museums
For what action did Daniel Daly, the U.S. Marine who famously and allegedly shouted "Come on, you sons-o'-bitches, do you want to live forever?" at the Battle of Belleau Woods in World War I, receive his second Medal of Honor?
For what action did Daniel Daly, the U.S. Marine who famously and allegedly shouted U.S. Marine Corps
What was the goal of Operation Desecrate One, a U.S. operation in the Pacific in late March 1944?
What was the goal of Operation Desecrate One, a U.S. operation in the Pacific in late March 1944? U.S. Army Air Forces
The Battle of the Komandorski Islands between American and Japanese ships on March 27, 1943, was a part of the Aleutian Islands campaign. Why was it an unusual engagement for a World War II Pacific battle?
The Battle of the Komandorski Islands between American and Japanese ships on March 27, 1943, was a part of the Aleutian Islands campaign. Why was it an unusual engagement for a World War II Pacific battle? U.S. Navy
Austrian Roman Catholic nun Maria Restituta Kafka, killed by beheading in March 1943, was the only nun executed by the Nazi regime. Why was she killed?
Austrian Roman Catholic nun Maria Restituta Kafka, killed by beheading in March 1943, was the only nun executed by the Nazi regime. Why was she killed? public domain
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